Thursday, September 9, 2010


Welcome back to the crazy life.
Between all the daily happenings that take up most of my day and all the new things that seem to be arising such as owning a business (eek!), meeting new friends (and keeping up with old ones) making sure our bathroom has electricity (!!!) and memorizing over 2,200 anatomy terms...I'm starting to feel it. And if you've been where I am now, you know what "it" is.
It's become apparent not only how important it is to take time for myself and those closest to me, but also to pay attention to those who feel lost and invisible in our culture that chooses to ignore these issues.
One of my roommates, Julia, proposed a vision for our house this year of hospitality and doors that are truly always open. We've already seen God moving and bringing us broken souls that need mending and affirmation that we are doing something right, we're doing this living thing right. A song by Mumford&Sons puts it best. "And you are not alone in this. As brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand."
After moving in and wanting cheap decorations, I decided to paint a quote on one of my walls that takes up the entire wall. Its written by the founder of To Write Love on Her Arms, a non-profit that everyone should check out. (It's actually the charity that I'm partnering my business with!) Hopefully it will remind me about living in a daily mindset, seeing God move in small, daily ways.

"God must be a pretty big fan of ‘today’, because you keep waking up to it. You have made known your request for a hundred different yesterdays, but the sun keeps rising on this thing that has never been known. Yesterday is dead and over. Wrapped in grace. Those days are grace. You are still alive, and today is the most interesting day. Today is the best place to live."

I'm also trying to take time to shoot photos for myself, for my friends, for people that I want to photograph and tell their stories.
So this past Saturday, with the help of a photo friend of mine, Lizzie, my four roommates and I went out to this cool abandoned building and took family photos. I have to say that I have some pretty great roommates. I feel so close to all four of them in different ways and am starting to realize how blessed I am to be able to live with women like these! Check us oouuuuuuttt.






Anybody who knows Kate knows how normal this is. Kate constantly drinks Diet Coke (literally, a couple per day) so she, of course, had one with her during photos.





Note: This photo was taken to prove how long Juju's hair is. Crazy!

I absolutely love this little series that occurred.










In terms of lighting and composition, this might be my favorite photo from the day. No cloning or nothin!


And then of course, the behind the scenes photo

We are one big happy family


And now some PSs in the form of dashes
-Mumford & Sons are now a must in my life. Open up this song immediately and begin listening to it before you finish this blog. It better be playing at this point in your reading.
-Some friends and I cut off about nine inches of my roommate, Julia's hair the other night. She donated it! Go juju!
-I got my photos taken today for my website by the woooooonderfully talented Juliet of, Juliet Elizabeth Photography. I've been talking to Juliet for the past two years now and every time I get to talk to her, I feel so encouraged in photography and just in life. Seriously check her out. Her site, her blog, its so much fun to be inspired.
-I ordered some crazy awesome boots with a red zipper in the back! I'm am beyond excited for them to come in the mail. Eek!
-I want comments! I don't know if I'm being read and looked at unless you leave some comments! Tell me your absolute favorite photo of mine. It helps me out!

I'll leave you with my favorite lyrics from the Mumford&Sons song above.

"Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you,
It will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be"

I wish that type of love upon all of you reading this.

Caroline, Ro, Roline, Robo, Roly Poly


  1. Roly Poly!
    pictures are ahmazing. cant quite say which one is my favorite, they are all so good.
    i want your mumford&sons collection. fyi

  2. This is De-lightful!!! Love the pictures.

  3. awe i love these photos caroline. i just think you are an amazing artist and i'm inspired by you too!! :D
    we'll do more photos in a field soon!


"Sometimes you have to watch somebody
love something before you can love it yourself"
-Donald Miller