Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This Valentine's Day was epic. Purely epic. I usually don't blog about holidays, but this day was filled with so much love and ridiculous-ness that it must be documented, even if for my own sake. The day started when I made pink heart-shaped blueberry chocolate chip pancakes for the Smith house. That is a mouthful. And they were delicious. The day progressed and I went out to dinner with my parents to Graze and it was so wonderful to have food which was so great. But right before I left for dinner, two dozen roses came for me in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to put that many exclamation points because I've never had flowers delivered to me-especially on Valentine's Day!
The card read-
"I'm sorry I can't take you dancing or cook you a nice dinner. But I hope you feel special, and know that I love you! Finally sister, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Phil 4:8. Your Brother-Addison"


My friend Erin brought over flowers in a tin jar for the house, Mom gave us brownies all pretty and Julia gave us a "valentine" of her own



We had a group of friends over at night to hang out, make grilled cheese and love on each other. After a bit, we heard a knock at the door and found a cheesecake left on our porch. There was a poem beside it, all beautifully written by Mr. Vonk (and it was a mystery might I add) dedicated to the Women of Smith. He's such a little charming poet.
"I'm a winner if you're my dame
So if you're a princess, I'm a knight,
And if you're the air them I'm a kite
And if you want to fly just say the word
Because I'm a bird if you're a bird"

All in all, it was a gooood day. A seriously good day. Sometimes I think that God knows when we need a break, when we need to feel special and celebrated. So much lovelovelove!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Holla Back

Long time no bloggin, but don't worry, I'm back! The sun is out, there's a cool breeze on our porch and sometimes I even go running.
Updates since last blog:
-I now love pancakes and eat them about four times a week (record: 6 pancakes in one sitting)
-I haven't had caffeine in over a month
-I had surgery (and I'm talkin SURGERY, alrighty with bruises and ice packs and hours of law and order in my bed) on my eyes and can wear contacts again-AMEN TO THAT!
-I am so obsessed with everything psychology that I can't keep my learning ears and mind off of it! If I could just be Dr. Huang (only the lucky ones know who I'm talking about) for two weeks I would just gasp.
-I had the greatest Valentine's Day evuh and will be blogging about it soon
-I've discovered that Hudson University does in fact, not exist.
-Anthropologie revealed their new wedding line today! I never use this word but can only describe it as fab.
-Juliet is keeping me super booked through October with weddings and I am just lovin it!
-Julia and I lead a small group for 9/10th graders through Seacoast church, where we grew up, and it is just THE BEST. We have group every Sunday night and after every group and their youth group on Wednesdays, we just talk about how much we love them and how they're the greatest. It's like we're their second mothers that text them all the time that comes with the benefit of having coffee dates (decaf of course)

In photo news, my main cammy is off at Nikon being fixed and after numerous e-mails to and fro, I called to find that Nikon will still help you after 11pm...And that my customer service rep had gone on vacation. So my little guy should be in the mail this week and I just have sticky fingers to start shooting again! It's been such a lovely break to be able to not edit and have a reason to postpone shoots for a bit but I'm just so antsy pants now that I hope I can shoot something this weekend. Eep! Despite school starting up again, the cold never ending and not shooting for a bit, all in all, God is still good and adventures are still being created. Glory glory!

And because photo blogs aren't the same without a photo:
I love you New York.

PS-The Smith house is the ultimate number one!
PPS-I referenced Law and Order three times in this post.

"Sometimes you have to watch somebody
love something before you can love it yourself"
-Donald Miller