Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Prints, weddings and whistles

When I moved into the house I'm currently in, I told myself that since I'd be doing a lot of editing and computer work, I wanted to like my room. Like my room enough to be okay with spending the hours upon hours I do inside of it.
So, saying that, since August, I've wanted to print out some really awesome photos that I'm proud of and that I love the stories behind them. Considering how competitive this industry can get and how stressed out I can make myself, its so important to remind yourself that you can DO it, that you can overcome whatever is telling you that you can't. In the end, I think its really important to be reminded of why you do what you do. I'm printing over 50 photos and am going to collage them, but here are some of my favorites over the last while.










On another note, I'm so excited for weddings to pick up! Come May and June, I'm crazy! I've started doing some associate work for my friend, Juliet of Juliet Elizabeth Photography.
We're so funny together, and for that, I love it.

On a second note, Falling Whistles is coming! Based out of Los Angeles, Falling Whistles is a non-profit creating awareness of the ongoing war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Causing the second largest amount of deaths since WWII, this is definitely an issue that needs attention. After emailing their coordinator about their upcoming visit to Charleston, I had been thrown into their Charleston visit and stay. My roommates and I are housing some of the roadies and are hosting a community dinner on Wednesday, November 17 if anybody is interested in talking about change.

'Open your Eyes' by Snow Patrol is on Pandora and I love it.

"Get up get out get away from these liars
Cause they don't get your soul or your fire"



  1. amazing pictures! you have a real gift!!

  2. I am loving your new blog!!!! Beautiful pictures. :)


"Sometimes you have to watch somebody
love something before you can love it yourself"
-Donald Miller