Friday, May 20, 2011


So much has been going on!! I've had so many shoots from the great response to the all-call that I shot out and still more to come! I haven't spent this much time editing in a long time, but its all worth the wait. Here's a preview of what I've been working on...

Mary Jo+Alex+Georgi





I'll also be interning for Charleston Magazine for three months mid June and I can't wait I could just giggle and jump up and down from the excitement (as I do so often).

And finally! NEW WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!

(You know what the use of excessive exclamation points means)

Not too different, but there's a new look and feel than before. The ability to order prints online, more details on prices, a private viewing site for clients and their families/friends and all new galleries! WHOO!

I'm shooting Erica and Mike's Hilton Head wedding tomorrow so after I process their photos, the new site should be up and running!

Hope you felt loved today,

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"Sometimes you have to watch somebody
love something before you can love it yourself"
-Donald Miller