Saturday, September 18, 2010

Going On

So update on a couple of things:
-Juliet Elizabeth took some fabulous headshots of me for my website last week and oh MAN, do I love them. It's so hard for a photographer to be photographed but these are so ME which is what I was looking for. Check them, and Juliet, out here.
-My website is coming! Anatomy exams come first but I now have everything! Galleries:check! Headshots:check! License: check! Time:never. I haven't forgotten to those of you who keep telling me to get this thing up! I want it up just as much as you do!
-If anybody wants to hook me up with some tickets to Mumford&Son's Atlanta it.
-This evening, I'm heading off to take Whitney and Joe's engagement portraits and I'm beyond excited! I've known Whitney since I was sixteen and she was the first photographer I worked for, and we're tight like glue. Keep an eye out for their post soon!

Here's what I've been up lately:

This is one of our house pets, Lorenzo, NOT Alonso. His brother, Marco, was in the tank still Everybody should get some turtles


Julia didn't like Alonso once he was taken out of his tank


This is my friend Taylor. I've known Taylor since middle school and in high school, we both worked for The Post and Courier, she writing and me shooting. And now that she doesn't live in Charleston, I only get to see her every so often. So whenever she's in town, I snatch up any opportunity to hang out with her. Many thanks to my roommate Jessica for reflecting for me in our backyard!


And then comes the Galvan family. I met the Galvan family through the Weber familyjust a short bit ago. This was probably one of my favorite shoots/best shoot to date. Look for a full post soon!




And finally, Whitney and Joe. I mentioned earlier that I was heading out to do engagement portraits for the two...and its three days later. This is how crazed I am. Look for more photos later!





1 comment:

  1. THey look awesome! Thank you sooo much! Joe and I cannot wait to see the rest!


"Sometimes you have to watch somebody
love something before you can love it yourself"
-Donald Miller